Rude interviewer

Tech Career - - Farmazonian - OP

I interviewed for another FAANG today and the interviewer was really rude.. interrupted, literally rolled his eyes when I tried to explain the difference between asymptotic complexity vs O(N). I'm confused. I might get an offer but the guy is really toxic. Shall I report him?



How about other interviewers on the loop? What about the hiring manager and recruiter?
Farmazonian - OP
Everyone else seemed to be nice.. not sure, probably the guy is going to leave and just doesn't give a $#@?
Run away... run away from the hell.. (c) Fading Dawn / Deeper Seriously - are you sure you want to work there?
Farmazonian - OP
Yep, I'm actually thinking to let the hiring manager know that I'd like to cancel the remaining interviews..
That's a huge red flag... I think you should decide for yourself whether you want to work there (assuming you get an offer), or not. Depending on that: * yes: ignore, don't report - basically you are taking responsibility and that guy is now one of "yours" * no: depends on your mood.. really :)