Job Search Process

Tech Career - - gpmike31 - OP

Would anyone out there be able to provide tips on the best way for someone who is fresh out of taking a bootcamp coding program through an accredited university (University of Kansas - Graduated 6/1/22) and new to the world of software development/engineering on what would be the best way to gain experience in the tech field as software engineer (emphasis on back end developer work for my purposes by the way)? I am having trouble gaining employment/experience either on a temporary/contract basis, internship, or full time. My lack of experience despite my ever evolving portfolio doesn't seem to be enough to even get my foot in the door anywhere. Any advice would be great. Thank You



Have you tried Upwork? It might be a bit challenging to get a few first projects, and you will most likely have to do that for half price or even free. But once you get several good feedbacks, you will get tons of offers. I used to work for full time there, great flexibility and a decent rate. After that, you could switch to a full-time employment. Best!
i have an idea.. since you mentioned that you have a portfolio (and it's growing) but it's still not enough, it might be that the problem is not with your hard skills. Try to peer-review your CV, and make sure to ask a feedback from recruiters, as someone already suggested here. Good luck!
How about applying for internship to big companies like FAANG? That might be a great career start.
Starting a career might be tough but I would suggest keep working on your portfolio, probably also contribute to open source software or share your projects on Github. At the same time, keep applying but make sure to try to request a feedback when you are rejected. It's better to call the recruiter and informally ask what you could do better. Hope this helps.