How to communicate my experience

Miscellaneous - - Vinny - OP

Hi, my background is teaching a business and health course at a local and global university and more recently being a Trust and Safety specialist at a tech startup. I've been there for 3.5 years until I was laid off in Novemebr 2022. In my Trust and Safety specialist role, I took on many tasks that were managerial in nature, and I was a senior member of the team. I did work that my boss normally would do, and I did it on a volunteer basis without any extra pay or job title change. I also learned a lot of skills and self-educated myself in a way where I know that I'm able to do the work of a Customer Success Manager or a head of trust and safety can do but I don't have the title, and I'm not sure exactly how to communicate this to employers without appearing overbearing or not pitching myself in a way that communicates what I've done. I'm just having a hard time finding the roles that I want (remote Customer Success Manager or a Trust and Safety manager role) because recruiters/hiring managers simply look at my resume and move on it seems as I'm not getting interview. I also paid $300 to get a professional resume written. Do you have any tips on how I can effectively communicate my non-traditional experience and knowledge so that I can land my next role? I know that if I'm giving a chance I will exceed the expectations of any employer as I have a strong people first personality and I get along well with many people. I was even endorsed by the CEO of my last company, but again it seems that my resume and my title and lack of extensive work history is holding me back from getting the role that I know I can and should get. Thanks for any advice!



I would recommend putting focus on WHAT you did rather than what was the job title. Probably you could structure it like this: Trust and Safety specialist, MMM DD YYYY - MMM DD YYYY, City / State Responsible for A, B, C, A: detailed description of your duty A B: detailed description of your duty B C: detailed description of your duty C Where A, B and C can be the duties that you are most experienced with and that you would like to continue working at. From what I understand, it could be Customer Success Management, Customer Support and Team Leading / management? Hopefully focusing on your key competencies and duties rather than on your job title will help recruiters to better understand what exactly you did. Also, have you already created your job seeker's profiles on Mirajobs? You could create multiple profiles and for recruiters each profile will look like an independent one. Hope this helps!
I would suggest to identify one or several desired job titles that you would like to pursue. I honestly never hear about Trust and Safety but I guess it's something similar to Customer Relationship Manager or probably even roles like Customer Success Manager, Customer Service Representative or Customer Support Specialist? I think many recruiters are also not very familiar with the Trust and Safety role. Once you identify target roles, you could create the corresponding versions of your resume, each tailored for the specific role. When describing your previous job title, you could first write a common role name i.e. Customer Success Manager followed by the actual role in parenthesis i.e.:
Customer Success Manager (Trust and Safety Specialist), Jan 01 2015 - Jan 01 2023
(or whatever dates). Then, I would also suggest to clearly explain the duties what you did in that role underneath the title. That way, recruiters would be able to make sure that the duties you did match the expectations they have for their open role. Then you could do the same for a different role, probably more managerial, emphasizing your experience in management and leading your team. I understand that maintaining several versions of your resume could take more time, but I believe this is how you approach the job market in the most efficient way. It also allows you to do it in a "try and error" way i.e. you create a version of your resume, then apply for relevant jobs, then hopefully get a few interviews and receive a feedback (a very important step). Based on your feedback, you could make corrections to your resume versions or probably even decide to keep just one. Good luck!
Vinny - OP
Thank you for this information! The Truat and Safety specialist is a fraud prevention and guideline enforcement role. Let's say I used your suggestion above and put Trust and Safety Team Leader (Trust and Safety Specialist), do you think that would cause a problem if there was an employment verification check since I was listed as an IC and not a people manager, but I just did the role out of my own desire.