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Jobseekers from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (page 2)
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Displaying profiles 11-20 out of 936
Cyber SecuritySIEMSplunkQradarThreat AnalysisMonitoring . Problem SolvingIncident ResponseAnalytic ReasoningCommunicationInterpersonal Communication
Senior engineer
Back-End / Server Programming
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
*,*00,000 INR
JavaNode JsSpring BootJ2eeJpaK8sDockerIstio Service MeshKafkaPostgres
Passionate Full-Stack QA Engineer | Proficient in Manual testing, Agile methodologies,API
Software Engineering in Test & QA Automation
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
**0,000 INR
JavaSeleniumManual TestingAutomation TestingJiraSQLAPI TestingGitGitHub
Data ScienceMachine LearningNLPDeep LearningNeural NetworksFeature EngineeringStatistical ModelingData PreprocessingEDAModel Selection
Software Developer
General Software Development
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
*,*00,000 INR
C++JavaPythonJavascriptSpring BootGitGithub
Software Developer
General Software Development
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
*,*00,000 INR, *,*00 INR/hr
AgileScrumKanbanSafeProject ManagementBusiness AnalystRequirement GatheringSprint MetricsProduct Testing